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‘Tis once again that time to Toss Three Sheets to the Wind, Hoist your Colors, Rouse that Lazy, Rum-Sucking crew and make sail for Lebanon, OR to experience the festivities!”
Sea Dog’s Night is an immersion-style event that is Pirate and Gypsy themed! Set sail with us and take a side trip from your mundane life to experience a weekend of shenanigans, ships, fun, games and fire for grownups (or at least those who are grownup on the outside), kids and everyone in between.
What does this mean? It means a unique experience for you, your family and friends. Spend a weekend living like a pirate, dressed up in your Pirate or Gypsy best, camping with a whole city of others like you. Enjoy games, contests, kids activities, parties, performances, workshops and vendors the way you think Pirates or Gypsies might!
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