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A Spirit Work Primer


A Spirit Work Primer: A Beginner’s Guide to Streamlined Spirit Work

Invocation, Evocation, Possession These words conjure forth feelings of unease and confusion for many magical practitioners, even today. This book, however, is a fantastic guide intended to shed some much needed light on these often misunderstood subjects. Within these pages, spirit worker and necromancer Naag Loki Shivanath serves as guide and teacher, taking all readers through a sophisticated yet highly practical system of spirit conjuration. If you’ve been interested in learning how to sharpen your spirit senses, safely practice spirit possession, work through spirit invocation and evocation, then this tome is the book you’ve been waiting for.

Whether you are a follower of the more ritualized manifestations of the magical arts or a Witch looking to deepen your practice with the spirit world, A Spirit Work Primer will prove to be a valuable resource that is referenced time and time again.

A practicing necromancer of almost two decades, Naag Loki Shivanath has devoted his life to studying the occult arts and sharing them in a way that is both illuminating and easy to understand. Beginning at the age of twelve, he began exploring Wicca, Asatru, and Druidry, but quickly found his calling in Necromancy. Pursuing the winding green thread of death, he has explored numerous traditions, including Tantra, Vodou, Slavic Paganism, and Hellenism, but his home practice is Necromancy expressed through Brazilian Quimbanda.

His earliest magickal influences came from the works of Scott Cunningham, Donald Tyson, and Konstantinos, but in later life, he was drawn more to the work of Crowley, Inominandum, John Michael Greer, and Nicholaj Frisvold. This wide variety of inspiration has led him to embrace a more direct method in his writing, preferring clear, concise instruction to fluff and filler. With a focus on left hand path workings and spirit-based magick, his work focuses on getting results in the most streamlined manner possible through whichever resource is most suited to the task.

Today, he uses his knowledge and experience to guide others in their mystical paths, and offer assistance when it is needed. In his free time, he is either in the company of other like-minded pagans, or wandering through a forest, by a river, or through the graveyard, learning what secrets can be taught from the Other World.

Naag’s first title with Crossed Crow Books is A Spirit Work Primer. He has also independently released a book of baneful magic called Hellfire.

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