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Artemis 2nd ed.


ARTEMIS: Virgin Goddess of the Hunt & Moon By Sorita d’Este

The goddess Artemis is best known today as a goddess of the hunt and of the new moon, yet to those who worshipped at her ancient temples and sanctuaries, she was far more than just that. To them she was a powerful and complex goddess whose influence spread far and wide throughout the ancient world. She was worshipped and celebrated as a goddess of childbirth, women, song, dance and of wild animals. As the daughter of the Titan goddess Leto by the Olympian father-god Zeus, Artemis would prove herself from the moment of her own birth, by assisting her mother with the birth of her own twin brother, Apollo. Zeus, who fathered children with many other goddesses and mortals, had a special affection for Artemis from the start and gave her all the gifts she asked for and more, making her one of the most powerful of the Olympian goddesses.

Artemis, Virgin Goddess of the Sun & Moon by Sorita d’Este, explores the myths, powers and worship of this beautiful goddess. It is a thorough study with details of her temples and sanctuaries, the festivals held in honour of her, the roles she fulfilled in the myths, the animals sacred to her, her relationships with her virgin attendants and other deities, as well as the many titles bestowed upon her. This groundbreaking book provides the most comprehensive study of this enduring goddess to date.

Table of Contents
1. Who was Artemis?. 15

2. The Birth of the Divine Twins. 25

3. Temples & Sanctuaries of Artemis. 33

4. Festivals of Artemis. 50

5. Myths & Legends. 56

6. Titles of Artemis. 64

7. a Virgin Goddess. 92

8. Goddess of Women… 98

9. Lady of the Hunt & Wild Animals. 101

10. Goddess of the Dance & Song… 117

11. Goddess of Water.. 123

12. Warrior Goddess. 125

13. The Revenge of Artemis. 127

14. The Bright shining Moon… 132

15. Divine Relationships. 136

17. The Companions of Artemis. 149

18. Temple Attendants. 157

19. Artemis & Men… 160

20. Artemis’ Symbols. 162

Bibliography.. 167

Index.. 172

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Weight 24 oz


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