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Master Book of Herbalism


Truly a Classic Herbal for those seeking the path of magickal herbalism. Outstanding in its completeness, The Master Book of Herbalism fulfills a need that has long been felt by students of the magickal arts. In his sincere and gentle manner, Paul brings over 15 years experience as he writes about: the medicinal use of herbs, including illustrations of plants easily found in the wild; history and religious lore with specific background information on individual herbs; herb gathering and storage the magickal way; the herbalist as a magickal practitioner; incenses, oils, amulets, elixirs, balms and fluid condensers including detailed information on how to create them; herbs and their relationship with gemstones, etc.; herbal links with astrology and the tarot; rituals; the use of herbs in seasonal festivals, initiations, handfastings, purifications, etc. Over 50,000 sold!

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SKU: S-MBH Category:

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Weight 21 oz
Book Edition
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Mars in Scorpio
Oil Vial Type:
Seal Design
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Witch Spoon
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