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The Tree Dispensary: Native European Trees


The Tree Dispensary: The Uses, History, and Herbalism of Native European Trees by Christina Stapley

An exploration of the history, folklore and medicinal uses of thirty Native European trees.
368 pages – softcover

In this beautifully illustrated book, which uses the author’s own photographs, Christina Stapley provides a thorough and deep appreciation of trees as she has experienced them through everyday life, as a herb historian and practising herbalist.

Categorised into seasons, each of the thirty tree chapters covers cultivation, cookery, foraging, crafts, history, botany, medicinal use and mythology.

Original herbals are used as source material for the historical section, allowing voices from the past to speak for themselves.

A ‘Herbalists Reference’ for each tree includes medicinal uses, dosage and constituents and reflects the author’s own extensive experience of using these wonderful tree remedies. Never again will a tincture or dried herb of tree origin be simply a name on a label and a list of constituents, actions and indications.

This book encourages herbalists to expand their horizons from what grows around their feet, to the bounty that grows above as well.

As you read this book, you will also feel a stronger connection to the trees and wish to explore, plant and care for them yourself.

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